ATS Processing Services, LLC is an affiliate of American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
a leading provider of traffic safety, mobility and compliance solutions for state and local governments,
commercial fleets and rental car companies. ATS' products include: photo-enforcement programs, electronic
toll enforcement management, violation processing services, fleet violation management, and fleet title and registration services
ATS Processing Services contracts with companies that own a fleet of vehicles
such as, but not limited to rental car companies, to ensure the vehicle owners are not
held financially responsible for tolls and traffic or parking violations incurred by drivers.
The company is headquartered in Mesa, Arizona, with regional facilities
in Bradenton, FL and San Antonio, TX.
ATS Processing Services’ products and offerings have been developed in response
to growing demand for traffic and transportation related systems worldwide. The
company has steadily cultivated the right combination of people, processes and enabling
technologies required to achieve success.
Our unique solutions for automated toll and traffic and parking violation processing, together
with the proven business management expertise, ensure successful outcomes for our customers and partners.
We operate on a fundamental and proven principle that successful, long-term customer
relationships are key to a successful business. These relationships are built upon
trust, reliable and complete customer service and a deep knowledge and understanding
of customer business needs and goals.
If you would like to learn more about how ATS Processing Services can assist your
fleet of company vehicles email
[email protected].